Health and safely

It is the policy of CFM Hire Limited (Castlefield Marquees) to ensure compliance with the Health and Safety at work act 1974 and all subsequent health, safety and environmental legislation and codes of practice that will guarantee healthy, safe and sustainable working environments.

CFM Hire Limited have a duty to protect all their employees, temporary workers, contractors, visitors as well as members of the general public who might be affected by our business activities so far as reasonably practicable. It is recognised that the health and safety at work act 1974 is the responsibility of each and every individual who are associated with the company and have the responsibility to co-operate with the directors and management to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others.

CFM Hire Limited will ensure all their employees, temporary workers receive suitable health, safety and environmental training and information that will enable them to work in a safe and accident free environment.

All CFM Hire Limited employers will be provided with the tools, information and guidance as is deemed necessary to comply with the health, safety and environmental policy and its objectives.

The health, safety and environmental policy define our objectives as to prevent and minimise occupational accidents, illnesses, and sustainability ensuring that through these objectives achieve an accident free work place and environmental.

CFM Hire Limited’s Health and Safety policy will be closely monitored and will be updated annually.

Castlefield Marquees New Certificate
First Aid
Signed Health and saefly